Singles Anyone? As in Fuel days…
Below is a post I wrote to my group on single fuel days almost two years ago, and to this day, three and a half years into this plan, I still stand by this. I thought I should share it here as some of my readers may find it helpful. 8.25.16. Why I did and still...
What the scale does to your head
Hey Everybody!!! Let’s talk for a minute about being realistic in your expectations. What are you hoping to achieve eating the THM way? I see so many of you getting hung up on those numbers on the scale and it makes me a bit …crazy. I’ve said...
Expectations….what are yours?
Let’s talk about expectations. What are your expectations from THM? What are you hoping to accomplish? Better health? Better sleep? Better lab numbers? Better sense of well being? Inch/fat loss? Weight loss? Note, I put weight loss at the bottom of the list....
Warm Salad to the Rescue!
Creating an EFB salad on the fly. So some of you know I just got back from an 8 day work trip last night. While I make every effort to always eat on plan, unfortunately I only have so much control over how my food is prepared and what ingredients are used. Knowing...