Another huuuuge super smoothie loaded with benefits but not the taste, of okra. If you’re not a fan of cold drinks, you can totally make this hot by omitting ice and putting your blender on soup mode. If your blender is not equipped with that function, blend all of...
My husband is a huge fan of chicken wings. In fact it’s his absolute favorite protein. This challenges me to come up with different ways to make it to keep it interesting. Today I decided on a Parmesan crusted version which came out amazing, if I may say so myself....
It pays to have pre cooked meat always in your fridge or freezer for those occasions when you need to throw something together quickly. You can also make this meal with freshly cooked breast just add about 20 minutes to your total time. Easy Chicken Enchiladas (F) 1...
It’s Super Bowl Sunday and while the weather is nice today, it’s been crazy cold all over the country. Chili is comfort food plain and simple. I wanted this version to be versatile so you can pair it with gentle carbs like brown rice and beans and make it a carb meal...
Smooth Creamy Oats with a delicious cake batter taste and your requisite veggies; hence the green color! This makes 2 regular servings as LF, but if you have a hearty appetite you can have the whole thing as C meal. It’s pretty generous though! Cake Batter Creamy Oats...
Never been a fan of custard, but a lovely friend asked me to give it a THM go. I think for my first time ever… not bad! Tell me what y’all think! SweetEs Spiced Egg Custard (F) 1/2 cup heavy cream1/2 cup water1/3 cup SweetEs fusion sweet1 pinch mineral salt1 tsp...
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