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Warm Salad to the Rescue!

Warm Salad to the Rescue!

Creating an EFB salad on the fly. So some of you know I just got back from an 8 day work trip last night.  While I make every  effort to always eat on plan, unfortunately I only have so much control over how my food is prepared and what ingredients are used. Knowing...

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Warm and satisfying power drink.

Warm and satisfying power drink.

A satisfying anytime drink. Seems I’m a bit obsessed with all things green of late. My obsession seems to be centered around spinach because frankly I’m not now, nor have I ever been a fan. Knowing how good leafy greens are for us, and how many of those oh so...

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Green Milk (F)

Green Milk (F)

Green Milk (F) © Elena Córdoba 8 oz unsweetened almond milk1 Tbsp Baobab powder1 Tbsp hemp hearts1 Tbsp hydrolyzed collagen peptides2 Tbsp SweetEs fusion sweet1 tsp Moringa powder2 tsp vanilla1 tsp MCT oil1 Tbsp heavy cream1 Handful of spinach1 Pinch of mineral...

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BLAC drink (LF)

BLAC drink (LF)

BLAC drink (LF) © Elena Córdoba 12 oz water1 Tbsp Baobab powder2 Tbsp lemon juice2 Tbsp Apple cider vinegar3 frozen strawberries (can use any berry)1 Tbsp 0% Greek yogurt1 tsp MCT oil3 Tbsp SweetEs fusion sweet2 Tbsp hydrolyzed collagen peptides1 Pinch of mineral salt...

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