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Embrace the food freedom, but exercise some restraint
July 4th, 2017 Embrace the food freedom, but exercise some restraint! The THM (Trim Healthy Mama) plan allows you to eat unlimited fats; things like cheese, nuts, heavy cream, butter, bacon, avocado, eggs, steak, pork...and did I say bacon? Yup! I sure...
Remember to give something back to your body!
I don’t know about you, but my life is insane. It seems the faster I go the less I seem to accomplish - the more my to do list grows. I run run run and run some more. So much so I wonder why I just don’t run out of gas and stall on the side of the road. You know, like...
3 years on plan -THM Works!
Finding THM Three years ago, I ran across the Trim Healthy Mama (THM) program in my Facebook feed. Intrigued, I ordered the book, received it a few days later, then got to reading! I read enough to understand what I had to do...and the rest as they say is history....
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